Vocational aptitude and transition to working life: proven experience


  • Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez


Vocational Guidance, Internet, educational activities, teenagers, sociolaboral insert.


The aim of this study is presenting the structure and fundamental  characteristics of the Program of Mixed Experiences of Formation and Employment (EMFE) whose general objective was to introduce teenagers who live in rural areas into the labour world, providing them the necessary formative activities. This study shows a review of some definitions, characteristics and introductory aspects of the vocational guidance that are very important in these programs, the results of the questionnaire  “Attitudes and Interests to Internet” are contributed to facilitate the integral guidance of the participant, as well as an evaluation of the impact and satisfaction that some educational activities have had, especially, in  the participants of this program, they have been the main characters of the teaching/learning process. Participants were 40 persons ranging in age from 16 to 24 years old (53.33% women and 46.67% man), teenagers  who live in rural areas of Málaga without previous employment and without professional qualification, some of them presents Special Educational Necessities and deficits in social abilities. The data demonstrate that the Program has been a successful experience that has contributed to facilitate the integral guidance of the participant and the data also show attitudes positive and good bias toward the use of the new Technologies like Internet to facilitate their learning. The most of the activities that have been realized were very satisfactory, useful and interesting for them. These results indicate that the Program EMFE was a successful experience that facilitated the sociolaboral insert of this socioculturally disadvantage collective.


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How to Cite

Morales Rodríguez, F. M. (2013). Vocational aptitude and transition to working life: proven experience. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (102), 114–125. Retrieved from https://www.informaciopsicologica.info/revista/article/view/70